Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 92 -S5E3 - Blurred Lines



Sometimes a decision is not completely wrong or completely right. What if laws are broken while trying to get justice for others? What if you commit a cardinal sin to relieve suffering? What if you tell a lie to spare a loved one's feelings? One lie becomes two and before you know it the lines are blurred. Lena has very good intentions. She wants to manipulate the human brain to express all of our best traits. She wants a race filled with hope, empathy, and love. Lena claims she doesn’t want to control people. She is not looking to produce a City full of Zombies all bent to her will. How does Lena hope to accomplish this goal? She is seeking to take advantage of Kara’s super powers. A friend that is feeling guilty for hurting you is easy to take advantage of. Lena needs Lex’s help. His journals are at Fort Summit filled with information she needs to reach her goal. Surely retrieving them will not be hard for the Girl of Steel. Dr. Niles Jarrod was found dead in a Nightclub. This seems like it should be a top