Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 93 - S5E4 - In Plain Sight



They say seeing is believing. Sometimes what you see is deceiving. Malefic is hiding in the City. He could be anywhere. He could be anyone. James is driving Kelly out of town. Will putting distance between them be enough to keep Kelly safe from the malicious Martian? What other secrets are hiding in plain sight? The rest of the team is Downtown trying to deceive Malefic wearing different faces. Those image inducers are no match for this crafty Martian. Surely the transmatter portal that Brainy brought will banish Malefic back to the Phantom Zone. How was he able to phase right through it? It was calibrated by a twelfth level intellect! Brainy is distracted. In the days since the break up with Nia he has been analyzing what went wrong. Tiny boxes didn’t make for a good boyfriend and neither did one hundred percent poetic partner. Alex calls Lena to help brainy with calibrations on the portal. Not only does she help with the technology but Lena comes bearing relationship insight as well. She explains it to him