Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 119 - Favorite Episodes #3: "Red Faced"



In the sky above National City all seems peaceful. When you turn on your super hearing you realize that the city always has a certain amount of animosity simmering below the surface. An anger that at times boils over and causes us to lose control. Maybe it is the result of someone cutting you off in traffic. Perhaps it is your mother making you feel unimportant. Sometimes it is someone else’s parents who believe their child could do better. Any of these circumstances could cause someone to become angry. Kara Zor El was sent to an alien planet to save her life and help her cousin. It was a selfless act made by her parents. All they could think of was their only child and to preserve what was left of the House Of El. Kara found a good and supportive family in the Danvers. Perhaps there is still some sadness and anger deep inside her for being sent away from the only world she had known. The DEO has been called in on a mission by special request of the President. Maybe taking on General Lane’s new robot code nam