Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 139 - S6E5 - Prom Night!



The mission this week is to collect some of Kara’s DNA to help locate her in the fractured phantom zone and bring her home. Sure it would be easier to head over to her apartment and grab a hair brush but this will be far more fun. Brainy and Nia head to prom night 2009 in Midvale. There, according to Alex, Kara saved the Earth from a meteor impact. The rock was composed partly of kryptonite causing Kara to bleed on the baseball field.  The well calculated plan that Brainy devised goes sideways when a piece of the legion ship breaks. The result is Brainy and Nia crash a day early right in front of the people they hoped to avoid.  Kara is immediately on board to help these stranded aliens as Alex remains skeptical. Brainy and Nia are spit up. Nia will stay with the girls and Brainy will stay with Kara’s boyfriend Kenny.  I know what you are thinking. Kenny died when Alex was in high school. However in the post crisis world Kenny is alive and helping Kara save the citizens and pets of Midvale.  Their activities