Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP230: How to Reverse Autoimmune Conditions & Cultivate Brain Health With Dr. Terry Wahls



Most people today want to optimize brain function and feel calmer (or happier), reduce brain fog, or experience more stable moods. (Or maybe you’re like me and you just never want to forget where your keys are again! :)  Fortunately, there is a healthy body of research demonstrating that what we eat - directly impacts the way our brain functions, develops and recovers. In fact, today’s podcast guest, best-selling author, clinical professor and functional medicine superstar, Dr. Terry Wahls, used food (and strategic supplements) to heal her brain and reverse the Multiple Sclerosis that once confined her to a tile-recline wheelchair chair. Talk about incredible.  She is also conducting clinical trials demonstrating that her Wahls Protocol IS just as powerful and life changing as we want to believe it is.  And that it’s not just for people with M.S. but for people who want to reverse other autoimmune conditions or simply improve the way their brain functions.  So if you want to build a better brain (and who does