Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP264: How to Nourish Your Body During and Post Pregnancy with Stephanie Greunke



A 2019 study revealed many pregnant women today do not meet the recommended intakes for nutrients like:  Magnesium  Vitamin D  Vitamin E  Iron Vitamin A Which is scary given that inadequate nutrition can negatively impact baby’s development, mom’s health AND how mom feels (physically & emotionally) in her postpartum period.  This is exactly why I invited one of my favorite experts in the wellness world, the Whole30’s dietician, Stephanie Greunke, on the show to teach us all how to not only survive pregnancy and the postpartum period - but to THRIVE through it.  Here are some of the topics we dive into... The most important nutrients for pregnancy Medications that can deplete moms How to prevent morning sickness (and why it happens!) The link between nutrient deficiency, pregnancy, and mental health issues Common nutrient deficiencies in paleo dieters Her 3 favorite nutrient tests  Important foods for the first trimester Foods to focus on for the second trimester How many carbs do you really need for a