Coparent Courage

Episode 002: Custody Without Courts



In this episode I talk about how to avoid the legal system when it comes to the Custody of your child.  What remains a constant is that you need to ask for what you want, as clearly as possible an without any sort of expectations.  I talk about how to ask for what you want and why clarity is of the utmost importance. It's getting past the negative "stories" and really cutting to what matters the most to you. I discuss putting natural checks and balances into place so that you can both listen and be heard by your CoParent to create a safe and comfortable life for your kids, while maintaining a consistent but flexible schedule.  Finally, I discuss what to do (and how to recognize) when emotions come up that are going to hinder you getting what you want from your CoParent. The real key is to balance communication (as in, it's never "over-communicating" when talking about your child), and flexibility when it comes to both time and integrity.