Repcolite Home Improvement Show

Episode 230: Art Appreciation 101, Dealing with Grubs, Fall Painting Do's and Don'ts



Segments 1 & 2: Art Appreciation 101 ArtPrize is back for it’s 10th year! We discuss the process of viewing art and ways to create a better connection with what is in front of us. We encourage everyone to go out and enjoy the events and festivities. (How Long Do People Really Spend Looking at Art in Museums) (Artprize) (The Sword in the Sphinx) Segment 3: Dealing with Grubs Innocent looking problems in the yard can turn out to be a whole lot of yuck. Are those brown patches of grass pointing to a bigger problem? Find out what to look for and how to fix it. (How to Choose and When to Apply Grub Control Products to Your Yard ) (How Late Can I Put Down Grub Control) http