Page Fright: A Literary Podcast

59. Staying Inspired w/ Tara Borin



Tara Borin discusses their debut poetry collection, The Pit. Andrew asks Tara where to find inspiration. What a joy! ----- Listen to more episodes of Page Fright here. Follow the podcast on Twitter here. Follow the podcast on Instagram here. ----- Tara Borin is a queer, nonbinary settler poet living and writing in  the traditional territory of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Dawson City, Yukon.  Their debut full-length poetry collection, The Pit, is available with Nightwood Editions. Tara’s work has also been anthologized in Best  New Poets In Canada 2018 (Quattro Books) and in Resistance: Righteous  Rage in the Age of #MeToo (University of Regina Press). Tara’s poems have been published in Prism International, Prairie Fire, The LaHave Review, Red Alder Review, and elsewhere online and in print. They completed The Writer’s Studio Online with Simon Fraser University in 2019. ----- Andrew French is an author from North Vancouver, British Columbia. He has published two chapbooks, Do Not Discard Ashes