Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 76: This Episode Is...Inevitable



Our coverage of the titanic, gargantuan ANNIHILATION SAGA come to a universe shattering conclusion. We've fought the bugs, we've fought robots, we've fought kings, we've fought each other, we've even fought The Sphinx but now, we're fighting eldritch abominations from another universe. We're in the endgame now and it looks like we are ALL Groot. Topping off our 158(!) issue, six month look at this run is "The Thanos Imperative," an six issue mini with a prologue and epilogue issue, aptly named "Ignition" and "Devastation," that endeavors to put a nice-ish bow on the many threads we've been following. For those reading along in the trades, good news! It's just one book: "The Thanos Imperative."Next time, we take a bit of a break from reading and have a relaxed chat about the six months or so we've been away from modern Marvel. We promise not to grouse too much.