Let's Talk Near Death

Let's Talk Near Death - The NDE of Sue Kohn-Taylor



At age nineteen, Sue Kohn-Taylor was asleep in the backseat of a car when all of a sudden, she was woken only to see a vehicle hurling straight towards her - before everything went dark. She regained consciousness to find herself lying on the side of the road before drifting away again. And in another moment, she was floating on the roof of the ambulance observing her wounded, unconscious body. Today, Sue Kohn-Taylor is now a personal development coach, public speaker, a published writer, presenter, and founder of The Mental Health Fitness Company. She is on a mission to help people navigate life and promote well-being through mind training and positive psychology. Some of the Key Topics Discussed in this Episode: A recollection of Sue’s NDE when she was 19—including her out of body experience and how she vividly recalled conversations and activities around her. The intuition of her mother right before the accident. - Sue’s spiritual connection and her ‘spirit tribe’ (including an intuitive chef) “I was very