Center Point Assembly

Beatitudes - Blessed are those that mourn - Audio



Sunday, August 15, 2021 – As we begin today, I need to take a quick moment to wish my wife a happy 40th Wedding Anniversary. To be married to Chris for 40 years is a blessing above all blessings. So, it is not all intentional that we’re speaking about Mourning, just so you know…. We just happen to be on the second Beatitude where Jesus says, “Blessed are those that mourn, for they will be blessed”, it is simply a coincide and proof that God has a sense of humor. As we discuss this today, we’re going to find that God’s promises are for those that mourn in accordance with the things that God mourns over. Maybe, you didn’t think that God mourned over anything. Study along with us and understand that God does indeed mourn and as we choose to mourn as He does, He promises comfort.