Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

32 - Colin Gray



This week’s guest is Colin Gray who runs The Podcast Host, a content platform and series of podcasts that teach people how to podcast. I think I first came across Colin’s website when I was looking to set up Creative Chit Chat and read a few of his articles around equipment. Thing is, I had no idea that he was based here in Dundee! The majority of his audience and target market are based in America as the podcasting market is gigantic over there. The website is just an amazing source of content whether your’e looking to start up podcasting or develop and further an existing podcast. A lot of the content is available for free but they also offer courses and 1-1 tuition to help you build your podcast and your audience whether you’re doing it from your bedroom or creating it for education or business. When I found out Colin was based in Dundee I just had to get him on. He was kind enough to let us do the recording at his studio in Meadowmill and we did 2 recordings back to back. 1 for CCCDundee and 1 for Podcraf