Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

41 - Kevin Sinclair



Kevin is a 4th year product design student with a real understanding of aesthetic and form. During the episode we talk about what Kevin’s plans for the future post graduation. Basically he wants to stay if he can. Meaning if there are the right conditions to support his own product design practice or an attractive enough position at a company. Again and again this issue comes up of the reluctant leavers. We need to have a creative infrastructure that allows graduates to start their own businesses and then sustain them. This is all outlined in Dundee’s Creative Industries Strategy. It launched last week and if you haven’t read it, go do it now. It’s an amazing piece of work facilitated by creative Dundee. They created the strategy through a series of focus groups and discussions with creatives in the city and industry stakeholders. The outcome is a strategy with clear goals, directions and aims that are actionable. Back to the episode though: Kevin gives a very honest account of h