Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

47 - Scott Hudson



Artist, printmaker and technician at the DCA print studio, amongst a few other things. He was one of the founders of Dundee Print Collective and has been part of many amazing projects since including print city. Scott chats about his first experience coming to Dundee from Sunderland and applying to art school with his big A1 portfolio in tow. Coming over the Tay on the train is always picturesque and it seems to have had an impact on Scott’s live as Dundee keeps drawing him back. We go on to discuss his time at art school studying illustration and exploring various printing methods. Although screen printing would go on to feature heavily in his career Scott says that he did very little of it at art school. It was more a technique that the graphic design students were using rather than the illustrators. After leaving art school Scott went off travelling but ended up back in Dundee and at the newly opened DCA. In the print studio he started to get to grips with all the kit helped by funding from the Scottish