Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

49 - Scott Byrne



After working pretty much all over Scotland with a load of amazing museums Scott is now general manager at Hospitalfield House in Arbroath.  He’s pretty much lived in every city in Scotland making his way around some amazing and prestigious galleries and museums curating their collections. Now at Hospitalfield House Scott is part of a wider team helping make everything up there happen. From tours to events and workshops to artist shows and collaborative working there's loads going on. The house itself is a 13th century hospital that then became the UK's first art school. I'm really not going to do it justice by describing it so go check out their website to see some photos. It has some amazing architectural features, staircases and rooms filled with beautiful and historical objects. Everything seems to have a story and Scott is a fountain of knowledge even though he's only been there a few years. We did the recordings of this episode and last week's with Jamie Simpson, in the library and putting my coffee do