Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

53 - Shahbaz Majeed



Shahbaz Majeed is my guest this week and he is an amazing photographer based in Dundee, who brings landscapes to life from the air. If you haven’t heard of him already, chances are you will have seen his work. Shahbaz has had his photos used and featured in a lot of places as well as picking up a few awards along the way. Probably the most fascinating story is how he got his photo on Scotland’s first polymer note. Those blue plastic Clydesdale fivers feature his photograph of the Forth Road Bridge. He told me that there are a lot of established photographers that think he’s a jammy git! It’s clear that Shahbaz just loves harsh mountainous landscapes from his back catalogue and because of his list of places he wants to tick off his list. They’re all brutally cold but I imagine completely spectacular. We spend a bit of time geeking out about his set up and kit but I was a little surprised to hear his take on drones. At the moment he only uses them for fun and doesn’t see them affecting commercial aerial land