Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

54 - Hayley Scanlan



Hayley is a Dundee born fashion designer with clients that include Little Mix, The Saturdays and Pixie Lot. We talk about how she got into the industry and established her clothing label H.S. It was clear from chatting to Hayley that style and appearance have been key considerations for her from a really early age. Sitting round the kitchen table with her Gran sewing clothes for her barbies and passing comment over strangers appearances in the street. I don’t think I’ve had someone on the podcast who has been so determined and driven towards a single goal from as early as they can remember. As I’ve found with a lot of the creatives on the podcast, Hayley didn’t particularly get on well with educational institutions. Even at DJCAD she struggled to see how she fitted within the textiles course when all she really wanted to create were clothing lines. Before finishing at art school she found herself out in the Hollywood Hills working for Jeremy Scott and brushing shoulders with a few celebrities. This experie