Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

66 - Yann Seznec



Yann is a musician, composer and artist as well as many other things. His project list is vast and varied, to say the least but seems to be rooted in performance. 11 years ago Yann ended up in Scotland. After graduating from his masters he ended up taking a role in the Dundee Rep’s Christmas production of Jack and the Beanstalk. Being from North America the concept of ‘Panto’ wasn’t exactly something he was familiar with. I suppose I would compare Yann to a sort of Doc Brown type mad inventor character working on loads of weird and wonderful ideas with an array of technical knowledge. His studio environment also seems to reflect this with controllers, wires, electronics and other random things lining the space. The amount of projects he has featured on his website is ridiculous and we didn’t really get the chance to go into any of them but I think the chat is brilliantly representative of Yann’s mind. We weave in and out of many different subjects finding fascinating nuance in apparently mundane subjects li