Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

71 - Sekai Machache



A multidisciplinary artist based in Dundee. Although she produces work in many forms, Sekai’s often works with photography and has created a signature dark style in subject matter and aesthetic. I ask Sekai about where she thinks her style originated from and how difficult it is to take photos when you are the subject matter. It leads to chat about the nature of collaboration and when someone goes from being an assistant to a true collaborator. I've always found it much more rewarding and valuable to collaborate with others who have a different skill set. Although you develop work together, it makes separating and defining roles much easier. collaborations are much more complex when you have overlapping skill sets with areas where multiple parties want ownership of certain areas.  It's no secret that black artists in Scotland are underrepresented and need more opportunities to make their voices heard. Sekai reveals how she found it hard to connect with other black people when she moved to Dundee for several