Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

73 - Samantha Paton



Samantha Paton is the fashion designer behind independent clothing label Isolated Heroes. She describes it as a lot of fun with sequins and faux fur. From the outset, Samantha wanted to create a brand that resonated with real people. Using street cast models and an honest voice she has built an amazing following. Although she has worked on custom pieces for the likes of Lilly Allen she has also had Paloma Faith and stylists for Miley Cyrus and Tess Holliday placing orders directly through the website. We go into some of the facts and figures of the business which I found really interesting. The stand out is that 90% of sales traffic is driven through Instagram. It’s pretty incredible that a channel that didn’t exist a few years ago is providing a brilliant audience and customer base. It’s pretty easy to tell that Samantha has a really astute business mind and that has come from learning the hard way. I suppose I didn’t really consider the amount of money you need to invest in every collection which pushes t