Creative Chit Chat - Dundee

85 - Kathryn Rattray



A freelance photographer who has worked across many areas but mainly with cultural and arts organisations like NEoN Digital Arts Festival, the Cooper Gallery and many fashion brands. The first big project I worked on with Kathryn was this year’s Dundee Design Festival. We brought her in as the official festival photographer and to run a space called the ‘Photoshop’. In the podcast she says she is ‘intrigued by humans and human nature’ and during DDF19 she really captured the essence of the visitors and residents in the spaces. We talk about her ever changing photography persona ‘flash’ that she uses to disarm people. I reckon we all have at least 1 work persona and one personal one. Just thinking about how you answer the phone or conduct yourself in meetings rather than the day to day can be completely different. Kathryn also mentions that she’s not really that into technology. She knows how to get the best out of the setup she has and isn’t about buying the fanciest camera or lenses. It’s about using th