Lunar Datebook

The Moon Diet and "Nadine's New Look"



Episode 40- June 2, 2015 The new age Moon Diet is an eating regimin that incorporates fasting, an age old practice.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores this fad, also called the Werewolf Diet.  She also tells a true tale about an overpopulated buffet line, and reads a short story about a woman redefining her appearance called "Nadine's New Look."   "The date was next week, but Nadine was ready, or nearly, or could be.  She would wear her black jeans.  Snug, but not inappropriate, with the purple, satin embellishments on the back pockets.  They traced out a hint of butterfly wings without being actually insects..."  Moon Astrology: Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius.  Restless and real.   60% water, 3 square meals a day and the one thing five major religions agree on.