Lunar Datebook

Cosmic Love or Chaos- the Secret to Contentment and "Silence Lies in the Ocean"



Episode 49- October 27, 2015 Contentment may be among our unalienable rights, but that doesn't make it easy to obtain.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores this desirable headspace and how the Universe may conspire to provide it.  She also tells a true story about happy meatball making and reads a short story about a woman writer whose patience has expired.  It's called "Silence Lies in the Ocean:" ...“Tonight’s writing exercise is another first line prompt,” Steve said.   “I’ve selected a launch pad sentence from the Sufi writer Rumi: Silence lies in the ocean. Let’s take fifteen minutes and see where you go....” Moon Astrology: Full Hunter's Moon in Taurus: Dig deep before the freeze. Moonlit nights, perfect parsley, and hands, hands, hands.