Lunar Datebook

A Pagan's Wagon Wheel and "The Christmas Buddha of Jackson"



Episode 52- December 11, 2015 Year's end approaches.  Yet for many ancient people, the end was the beginning.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how the winter solstice celebrates new life and an unbroken circle.  She also tells a true story about a Charlie Brown induced breakdown, and reads a short story about an unusual Christmas figure called, "The Christmas Buddha of Jackson." "...When Lesley pulled into Sid’s driveway Christmas Eve, her teeth clacked up and down up and down a half dozen times, like she were trying to loosen up a stick of Wrigley’s gum, an absent-minded habit she picked up when she finally quit smoking two years ago..." Moon Astrology: New Moon of Long Nights in Sagittarius: Take the long view.   Yule Variations, a moment in the spotlight, and the Christmas Joint.