Lunar Datebook

Retrograde Rescue and "Magic Touch"



Episode 55- January 23, 2016 With two more days of Mercury in Retrograde, host Jennifer Ellsworth explains this astrological phenomena, and why you may be suffering a communication breakdown.  She also tells a true story about how she was lost in translation as an Italian exchange student, and reads a short story about a massage that affects the recipient in unanticipated ways.  It's called "Magic Touch." "...If we’re going to tell the story, let’s be honest. Richard was fat. Of the had-not-seen-his-penis-in-years variety. Of the only-one-position-works-for-sex variety.   Of that, there had been very little- one week stretch, twenty years ago when he had fallen in with a distant cousin..." Moon Astrology:  Full Wolf Moon in Leo:  Howl your heart out. Planets as passing cars, La Piazza della Repubblica, and nighttime in the desert.