Lunar Datebook

Old Habits Die Hard and "Where Rushing Gets You"



Episode 56- February 8, 2016 There are good habits and bad habits, but do we cultivate them, or do they control us?  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how habits helped shape Saint Bridget on Imbolc.  She also reflects on how nursing is a two-way street, and reads a short story in which a Yoga instructor, usually stuck in her ways, signs up for a cosmic reset.  It's called, "Where Rushing Gets You." "...Cheryl had been late all morning, but decided to turn around anyway. She’d forgotten her tea on the counter. She could’ve stopped and bought tea at Chase’s Daily or Bell the Cat – or McDonald’s for that matter- but then she would be seen carrying a paper cup with a plastic lid..." Moon Astrology: New Sap Moon in Aquarius: Gather together. A blacksmith bends earth, we all wean sometimes, and it isn't stealing if it's a gift.