Lunar Datebook

Spring's Sense of Timing and "Wanda's Second Day"



Episode 62- May 6, 2016 Mainers that want a lesson in self-sufficiency should take a lesson from bulbs. Host Jennifer Ellsworth examines their perfect timing and patience. She also shares a true story from a woman, Michelle Holder, who could not wait to get a tattoo—until she had it—and reads a short story about our favorite nurse, Wanda, and her second day on the job. Discharging patients takes patience.   "...My first day at Waldo County Hospital everyone stopped what they were doing to learn my name, repeat it like the punch line of a tremendous joke, and marvel over my current life story. 'Wanda. Wanda. You just finished nursing school? And your husband runs a chicken barn?'...” Moon Astrology: New Flower Moon in Taurus: Run Wild. First settlers homesteads, the strangest place for a tattoo, and an overnight bag at the ER.