Lunar Datebook

Luna Moth's Light and "Morning Glories"



Episode 64- June 4, 2016 Luna Moths are short-lived, single-minded insects. Host Jennifer Ellsworth describes their life cycle, and how we sometimes emulate them. She also tells a true story of a close encounter with one of these beautiful creatures, and reads a short story about a woman whose pursuit of a perfect garden leaves her lonely. It's called "Morning Glories." "...Sandra submitted the application for the Belfast Garden Tour last year. It was only after she’d hit send that she realized how much she wanted it, and worried she should have said more in the answer spaces...." Moon Astrology: New Strawberry Moon in Gemini: 'tis the season for manic multitasking. Let's get it on, a treasure transported by spoon tip, and a 400 pound wake-up call.