Lunar Datebook

Aliens Among Us and "Jackson Pond Party Boat" Part One



Episode 69—August 18, 2016 Is there evidence of aliens? Today host Jennifer Ellsworth investigates stories of out-of-staters, and way-out-of-staters. She hashes out the details of Maine's most famous close encounter, the Allagash Alien Abduction of 1976, visits the Roswell UFO Museum, and reads part one of a short story about newcomers to Jackson. It's called "Jackson Pond Party Boat. ...The phone rang at 7 o’clock. “Is this Money Bags #1 or #2?” “This is Billy.” “#1 then. The party boat is ready. Please come to the dock at 10. Bring dinner.”... Moon Astrology: Full Grain Moon in Aquarius: We aren't so different. Art students fishing, Alien Bagels, and Melissa's middle finger.