Lunar Datebook

Samhain's Two Sides and "The Scratch Man"



Episode 74—October 30, 2016 All Hallow's Eve is here, marking the time of year when it is kosher to connect with ghosts and spirits. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores divination's relationship with intuition through tasseography, tea leaf reading. She also reads a letter to the editor imploring peace between politic's two sides, and reads a scary story inspired by Siv Widerberg's poem "Nightmare." The Boy returns to the Ogre. It's called "The Boy and the Scratch Man." "...Once upon a time there was a boy who lived with his mother in a house on the edge of the woods. Perhaps you saw their house, when it was still there...."  Moon Astrology: New Beaver Moon in Scorpio: look beneath the surface. Can you read clouds? Our falling sky, and retrieving wishes.