Lunar Datebook

A Nice Pair of Genes and "Baby" Part 1



Episode 82—February 26, 2017 Who's your Daddy? Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores the science of genes and what happens when energies merge. She also shares an interview with Michelle Moschkau who describes a long distance connection made via a cell phone number; and reads part one of "Baby," a short story about the end of the 23rd chromosome.  '...“Where are we going?” Kaleb asked.             “Equinox party—” Julie muttered. She was stuck, with a towel-wrapped Pyrex wedged between her breasts and the steering wheel. She’d charged from the house through the rain, not wanting to wear a hat. She had tried a new part following her shower—sloughing her bangs left, not divided down the middle—and had a moment of such sexy feeling she’d gooped it in place...' Moon Astrology: New Egg Moon in Pisces: Daydream believer. Gaia and Kronos, meditation question, and a quiet car.