Lunar Datebook

Expecting Forever and "Uncle Remy's Birthday Cake" Part 2



Episode 85—May 25, 2017 The gulf between What Is and What We Would Like is deep. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores these depths in a meditation on expectation. She also shares how a local feud has changed her idea of forever, and reads part two of "Uncle Remy's Birthday Cake." "...It was 1:02 when Mary scooted into the solarium at Tall Pines, out of breath, but with the birthday cake balanced on her forearm. Her phone had dinged in the car, 1:00 on the nose. Mona with a text message. Such prompt timing from her sister meant she would not be attending the party, so Mary ignored it and attempted to recover a few of the many minutes she had squandered this morning by long striding it across the parking lot..." Moon Astrology: New Strawberry Moon in Gemini: welcome Summer. Rotating bodies, hug dreams, and clams on the beach.