Short's Cast

The Science of Sour Beers and the Private Stache Series



We're excited to bring in our Head Pub Brewer, Ryan Hale and our QC Scientist, Sam Decamp to talk about the science behind sour beers as well as Short's new Pub-only Private Stache Series. This series is being released exclusively at the pub so please keep up on the website for more details about these exciting new beers. Bridgett and Gillian sit down with Sam and Ryan to learn about the orgin of sour beers and the difference between "sours" and "wild ales". We specifically highlight two beers "Pinball Whispers" and "Alicornucopia". We also give you a preview of whats up next in the the Private Stache series.  On this episode of the Short's Cast we meet Jesse Den Herder. Jesse is the Art Director here at Short's and he's been in charge of the label design lay out for each bottle of the Private Stache series. Jesse talks about the creative process behind those labels and how we he works with artists from all over the country on these amazing designs. Music from this podcast was generously provided by May Erlew