Short's Cast

Short's Gets Canned



Short's has cans, shiny, fancy, and colorful new cans full of delicious Short's beer. This is big news for us so Bridgett and Woj sit down with the men behind the cans; Quality Manager Tyler Glaze, and Art Director Jesse Den Herder.  Tyler drops the knowledge of why Short's decided to can their beer and the impact it has had on the production facility. He also gives an in depth analysis on how the can handles that Space Rock you're about to consume. We're talking ESPN breakdown analysis.  Jesse Den Herder talks about the challenges of converting the Short's label art from bottle to cans, and he did a mighty fine job with the designs. There was a major debate within the company on the color of the Soft Parade can, and Jesse was forced to make a decision that would change Short's Brewing Company forever.  In the spirit of the 12 Year Anni Party taking place this weekend, April 30th, in the streets of downtown Bellaire - we spliced in a little music from Vulfpeck, and The Go Rounds who will be performing at Anni