Short's Cast

Executive Director of the Michigan Brewers Guild Scott Graham



Bridgett and Woj finally have the chance to sit down and talk craft beer with the Executive Director of the Michigan Brewers Guild, Scott Graham. If you've listened to this podcast you've probably heard Scott's name come up as an influential figure in the Michigan craft beer industry.  Scott talks about his days of being brewmaster at Big Buck Brewery in Gaylord, and a plethora of various jobs in the brewing industry. You'll get a good history on what the Michigan craft beer scene looked like at the very beginning, where it stands now, and where it's headed.  We would like to thank Scott Graham for making the trip to Bellaire and sharing a few pints with the Short's Cast crew.  Our music in this episode is from Vox Vidorra, you'll hear their song "We're So Lonely." They will be performing some straight up soul music at the pub on Friday May 20th, at 8:30pm.  Lots of events to keep you up to date on in this episode, especially you Chicago listeners, we hear ya, and we'll see you soon.