Visual Revolutionary

Episode 12: The Angry Millennials / Jose Rosado and Stevie Chris



Photographers and Fellow Podcasters Jose Rosado and Stevie Chris have a lot to say when it comes to the younger generation, the lackluster job market, and trying to carve out a spot in the world of photography in an ever growing sea of content.  After failed attempts at trying to sustain a career path, or in Stevie's case, growing road weary after years in a hard core band, they both decided to re-emmerse themselves in the world of photography and to start their own podcast "The Angry Millennial Show".   We talk about some of the trials and tribulations of coming up in the current state of the industry, how to stay current and keep creative with so much competition, and even have the chance to talk a little "inside baseball" on podcasting and being inspired by the people on our shows.  More About The Angry Millennial Podcast: More About Jose Rosado: More About Stevie Chris: Original Music By: http://5thdimensioncar