Visual Revolutionary

Episode 20: Dixie Dixon / Nikon Ambassador / Commercial Photographer



From an early age Dixie Dixon loved taking pictures and using the darkroom in her parents home.  She had been exposed to photography by her father and it had been somewhat of a tradition passed down in the family.  She split her creative time between a love of photography and a love of music.  She played in a lot of bands growing up, giving her an opportunity to perfect her performance chops that would later come in handy as a public speaker.  Once she went to college, she opted to focus most of her attention on business in an entrepreneur program, but continued to study art and photography as well.  On a whim, she decided to try and apply for a study abroad program in Europe.  She ended up assisting a fashion photographer and learning a lot about lighting, as well as the interaction between the photographer and the model.  Many more opportunities would arise, and soon Dixie found herself in demand and shooting for a TV show that had her traveling the world.  Dixie has gone on to have a very successful career