Visual Revolutionary

Episode 32: Tim Kemple / Photographer / Director / Camp 4 Collective



Photographer, Director, and Co-Founder of Camp 4 Collective Tim Kemple sits down with us for this episode of the podcast to talk about some of his many adventures in the world of photography and filmmaking.  Kemple tells us about his early childhood in New Hampshire and the influence that came from his family.  His father loved climbing and the outdoors and they would often load up the Dodge Caravan for long road trips out west to explore places like Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was only fitting then, at age 17 when his other friends were taking vacations to Hampton Beach, that Kemple took the path less traveled and set out on his own road trip with a group of friends to experience the world of climbing that they had read about in magazines.  It was this trip where the camera started to become a tool to document his travels, but it would be later during his college years that he really started to see the potential.  After landing some editorial assignments, Tim started to think that he could possibly mak