Visual Revolutionary

Episode 38: David Alan Harvey / Legendary Magnum Photographer and Teacher



On this episode of the podcast we get the chance to sit down with legendary Magnum photographer David Alan Harvey and talk about the universal language of photography and those who have risen to the level of poets.  His love for this language started at a very early age.  As a child, stricken with polio and confined to hospital wards, David spent a lot of time looking through books and magazines, experiencing what was going on in the outside world through photographs. He also had a lot of time to search the depths of his developing personality and passions and get a head start on knowing who he was and what he wanted to be.  It wasn't until later though, while on a camping trip at the age of 12, that David looked out of his tent one morning and wondered why he didn't have a camera to capture the beautiful scene he was staring at.  From that moment on, David would pursue the art of photography and would stop at nothing less than achieving the dreams he had started to envision.  From his early days as a newspap