Visual Revolutionary

Episode 46: Ian Ruhter / Photographer / Alchemist / Wet Plate Collodion Pioneer



On this episode of the podcast we get the chance to talk to photographer, alchemist, wet plate collodion pioneer, and all around inspirational figure Ian Ruhter.  Although many know Ian from the short film "Silver and Light" that instantly burst him onto the public stage, he was a very accomplished shooter years before that.  Ian had created a solid reputation as a talented snowboard photographer with a career trajectory that seemed to be moving quicker than he could have ever anticipated.  He was pushing the limits, and became one of the shooters helping to elevate snowboard photography to a world of complicated lighting schematics and big sets.  The work was fun, the money kept coming, and it seemed inevitable that he would most likely head towards the world of fashion and lifestyle photography.  In the midst of what most would consider "success" however, Ian had an unsettling feeling of dissatisfaction.  He began to lose interest in what he was shooting and started to question the rampant consumerism that