Visual Revolutionary

Episode 50: Alex Strohl / Travel and Lifestyle Photographer and Filmmaker / Co-Founder of Stay and Wander



On this episode of the podcast we sit down with photographer, filmmaker, and adventure traveler, Alex Strohl.  We often get emails from fans of the show requesting to have younger shooters on who have found success in the world of photography and filmmaking at an earlier age.  Alex Strohl definitely fits that bill.  With almost 2 million very active instagram followers, a beautiful "globe-spanning" portfolio, his own content production agency, a well received book, and a list of clients that would make most older veterans jealous, Alex has established himself as a force in this industry no matter what his age is.  Alex grew up in Spain and France with parents who were passionate about life, and a nature loving father who told him stories of travel and adventure in far away places.  It was this upbringing that instilled in him a desire to see the world and to experience what else was out there.  While still in high school, Alex found one of his dad's old Olympus cameras and began to experiment with the medium