Visual Revolutionary

VR Shorts Episode #2 / David Alan Harvey / Legendary Magnum Photographer



Legendary magnum photographer, teacher, and friend of the show David Alan Harvey returns to talk about not overlooking the surroundings of your own local environment while you wait to photograph dream destinations, dealing with gear acquisition syndrome aka G.A.S., and how he's managed to keep a child like wonderment of photography after all these years.  Make sure to check out David's original biographical conversation (episode #38 of the podcast) to hear the complete backstory of his career, which has remained one of the most popular episodes to date.  During this shorter conversation David continues to push the message of having something to say with your photography, sometimes simplifying your gear and getting out of your own way, and some of the common mistakes he sees younger photographers making.  Check out David's work at To Learn More About Visual Revolutionary Visit: And Follow on Instagram at: