Visual Revolutionary

Episode 66: Jeremy Cowart / Photographer / Humanitarian / Entrepreneur



Photographer, humanitarian, entrepreneur, and all around inspiring guy Jeremy Cowart joins the show this week to talk about a successful career as a celebrity and commercial photographer, what inspired him to step into the world of humanitarian work, and his newest endeavor of starting a chain of boutique hotels with a message of purpose.  Growing up in Nashville, Jeremy became an unfortunately common statistic of a child that was not operating well within the confines of the traditional educational system.  His grades suffered and he really didn't see a future in what others seemed to think was the right career trajectory.  He knew he loved art though, and with his parent's advice to maybe study graphic design, he pursued an education in design that would slowly lead him to finally picking up a camera.  After walking away from a design firm he had built to pursue photography full-time, Jeremy had a fairly quick rise to what many would call rock star status.  He has worked with some of biggest named celebriti