Visual Revolutionary

Episode 81: Joe McNally / Photographer / Director / Educator / Nikon Ambassador



Photographer, director, Nikon ambassador, and educator Joe McNally joins the show to talk about his legendary career, shooting for everyone from National Geographic to being Life Magazine's final staff photographer.  Although Joe says there wasn't much creativity in his early years, he remembers a book of war photography his father gave him that definitely put a seed in his mind of what visual story telling could look like.  He was always fascinated with good story telling and ended up going to college at Syracuse and majoring in journalism with the dreams of one day telling some of his own stories.  During that time he would be required to take photography classes and, soon after seeing his first images come to life in the developer, quickly realized that he would prefer to tell stories with a camera instead of a pen.  Once finishing his education, he would move to New York City and begin chasing his dreams of becoming a photographer, moving up the ranks from a stock boy at a newspaper to shooting for some o