Visual Revolutionary

Episode #166: Joe Greer / Photographer



Photographer Joe Greer joins the podcast for a beautiful conversation about how he went from the tragic story of a young child losing his mother at age 4, to growing up with his adopted family in Florida with a love of sports and a passion for the community he found around the church, to chasing a possible future in ministry and studying at bible college, to suddenly having the direction of his life altered by getting an iPhone, downloading instagram, and falling in love with photography.  It's an incredible story of truly pursuing your calling.  During our talk we discuss how he began to develop his style and his voice in the world of photography, when he fell in love with film and the unique possibilities it offered, how he has continued to evolve and never get stuck in just one lane of creativity, the daily rituals that have helped him stay focused and feel more alive, how he is always seeking the right balance to work and life and the sometimes tough relationship he finds with social media, and the advice