Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 16: Kara Gott Warner – Knitting Your Dreams



Today’s podcast episode is motivated by Aimee’s desire to have all of her listeners hear her guest’s story. Kara Gott Warner, (Creative Knitting Magazine) Executive Editor, and host of (Power Purls Podcast), began her career designing knitting patterns in 2002. Her designs have been published in several magazines, including: Creative Knitting, Vogue Knitting, Family Circle Easy Knitting and Interweave Knits. Kara has a background as a technical illustrator, working with craft book publishers such as Random House, Lark Books, Sterling Publishing and F+W. Kara first joined Annie's Publishing in 2008 as knitting book editor, and then in 2010 signed on as Executive Editor of Creative Knitting Magazine and Annie’s knitting publications. Through Power Purls Podcast, Kara's mission is to dig deep and ask those burning questions about what turned her guests on to the “two sticks and fiber,” in the first place, and what keeps their needles movi