Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 26: Caroline Page – Taking a Risk for your Dreams



Following your dreams doesn’t come without risks. Like most dream chasers, when Caroline Page decided to go after her dreams, she faced a lot of uncertainty about the future. But she knew it was worth the risk. In her chat with Aimee J., Caroline shares the process of dream-chasing and how - in the end - she found her way to happiness. After spending many years in theater and believing this was the life for her, Caroline faced the reality that entertainment simply wasn’t the lifestyle she wanted. So she set out to chase her dreams and follow the passion she knew in her heart was her purpose. TWEET: “Every man dies. Not every man really lives.” #Braveheart. Find out more on this episode of #ChasingDreams. The decision to follow your dreams is the most important one you’ll ever make.Caroline first faced her life’s passion in high school during a mock trial. It was then that she found the path that would eventually lead her to happiness. Getting there, however, would mean she had to take some risks, face some fe