Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 30: Miguel Palmeiro – Helping Others Through Your Dreams



For Miguel Palmeiro, giving back is at the core of who he is and what his law firm stands for. He found his passion for the law while attending school as a pre-med student. Disillusioned with the field of medicine and wanted to find a way to truly give back, he decided to follow in his older brother’s footsteps and take a look at law school. After doing incredibly well on the LSATs, Miguel felt he had found his calling. He shares with Aimee J. how he chased his dreams, became a success, and still maintains focus on giving back to the people who made it all possible. TWEET: The importance of giving back and pushing forward, on this episode of #ChasingDreams Finding your purpose, even when it takes you away from your planned path.Miguel shares the importance of always striving to find happiness. His plan when he started school was to be a doctor. But, when he realized it wasn’t making him happy, Miguel knew something had to change. His passion for finding his purpose drove him to keep pushing forward to make hi