Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 34: Cristin Kist & Jeff Gritman – Writing Your Way into Self-Publication



Today’s Dream Chasers are Cristin Kist and Jeffrey Gritman. Friends for more than 20 years, Cristin and Jeff started writing 5 years ago. From the beginning it was clear they had a passion for pop culture, science fiction and all things geeky, so the stories they were drawn to were, naturally, in the same vein. In today’s chat with Aimee J., Cristin and Jeff discuss how a story evolved from a concept into a multi-volume book series, and how they manage to stay focused on their dreams in spite of having super busy schedules. They share their passion for writing, telling stories, and making people life, and how this propels them towards their dream of being full time writers. TWEET: Discovering your #passion and going after it with everything you’ve got, on this episode Discovering a passion for writing.Cristin and Jeff are both avid writers on their own. But together, they craft unique and hilarious stories that attract a wide audience. They explain how the “ (Prison Dad)” storyline wa